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Friday, February 1, 2008

Take screenshots of your phone using elf!

elfpack v1.0 (с) Hussein & Co

Now you can take screenshots of your phone.!.
Show clock near the battery indicator.!.

The elf pack has been made for only these phones and only these FW versions.
It will be released for some other phones later (if any experienced phone's owners will help).
Download archive for your phone/firmware.

Download link: (registration may be required)

Archive contains 3 files: functions library, file with constants, elfpack.

Users of k750,w700,w800:
Create "ZBin","Config" and "Daemons" folders inside "other" before install

For w810,z550:
Create "ZBin" in "other" and then "Config" + "Daemons" in "ZBin" before install.

Put "DYN_CONST.bin" into "Config" (phone memory!)
Install elfpack and elflib.
Put elf's into "ZBin".
Put into "Daemons" folder (flashcard!) those elf's which should be autostarted when a phone turns on.
ScreenShooter.elf - saves screenshot to "pitcures" when "music" button is pressed.

Press "power" button short to disable screenshooter (doesn't work in imageviewer/videoplayer).

StatusRowClock.elf - clock near the battery indicator.

minute_ticker999.elf - daemon required for statusrowclock.
Put it to "Daemons" folder (flashcard).
Note: don't forget to edit ElfPack_v10.vkp if you have "total graphics replacement" patch installed